Working with Inbox Documents
Inbox documents are those that are waiting for you or a colleague to process them.
For example, you might be a member of a group of people with responsibility for approving the contents of letters before they can be printed and sent to customers. When such a letter is created, it is stored in a category that has been Inbox enabled, and listed as an Inbox document for all users who have access to that category.
Listing Inbox Documents
Inbox documents are listed in the Inbox section of the Home page.
You can work with Inbox documents either directly from the Home page, or from the Results page.
To list Inbox documents on the Results page, either:
- Search in the normal way for documents in one or more categories that have been Inbox enabled.
- In the Inbox section of the Home page, click the link to the category that appears in the list of Available documents or in the list of Owned documents.
You must take ownership of an Inbox document before you can view or process it. This stops other people from processing it at the same time.
You can select a processing option, or release the document from your ownership so that another user can work on it.
Processing Inbox Documents
Once you have taken ownership of a document, you can view or process it, or you can release it from your ownership. The processing options that are available depend on how the system has been configured at your site.
To process Inbox documents, either:
- Open the document for viewing and then select the action from the Actions list that appears next to the document.
- On the Home page, select the check box next to the document or documents, select an Action, and then click Go.
A pop-up informs you that the action has completed successfully.
Out of Office
If you have responsibility for processing documents, to enable other users to process those documents while you are away from the office, change your account details and select Out of Office to show that you are away.
When you select the Out of Office setting, a prompt asks whether you want to review documents that you currently own. If you select OK, a list of all documents that you own appears on the Results page, where you can release ownership as described above.
The Transform Content Center application prompts you to clear this setting when you use the application while the Out of Office setting is selected.