Mailing Documents and Document Links
You can email documents or document links to other people directly from Transform Content Center.
The receipt of email is subject to the recipient’s security policies. If the recipient's email server is configured to block emails containing attachments or links, it will block email sent from Transform Content Center.
The email address of the sender, shown in the From field of the email, is obtained from your user profile. Therefore, you must add your email address to your profile before you can use the mail options. See Changing Your Account Details.
To email a document or document link:
On the Results page or in a list of related documents, select the document or documents to send.
To select a document, click on the line to highlight it. Do not click on the document type icon because this opens the document.
Alternatively, in the View Document window, click Mail Document .
Click Mail Docs.
The Send Mail page appears.
Add the email addresses to the To, CC and BCC fields.
Add your subject line and message text.
Select Attach as Files to send the documents as attachments, or select Add Links to Message to send document links.
- Click Send Mail.
Note To view documents sent as links, the recipient must sometimes sign in to Transform Content Center. If your Transform Content Center system uses more than one database, when signing in, the recipient must select the database that contains the documents. In such a case, it is helpful to identify the appropriate database in the message you send to the recipient. |