Creating a Scanning Category

Creating a scanning category involves more steps than creating a normal Transform Content Center category.

To create a scanning category:

  1. On the Categories tab, click Create.
  2. Select the [Scanning Category] template.

    The Scanning Category template adds the following OCR-related indexes to the category:

    BatchID An integer (whole number) that uniquely identifies each batch.
    Status Reserved for future use.
    PatternName A text string of up to 50 characters that identifies a pattern.
    PatternVersion An integer (whole number) that identifies the version number of the pattern.
    Mode An integer (whole number) that describes how the scanned document is displayed.

  3. Create any additional indexes you need.

    For this example, create three index fields:

    • Invoice Number
    • Invoice Date
    • User Name

    All index fields associated with an OCR-enabled category have a data type of Text, because the scanning software cannot identify the real data types of the elements that appear on a page.

  4. Give the category a Name, OCR_Demo, and then click Save.

Branch Indexes

OCR-enabled categories can use two types of index:

To identify the User Name index as a branch index:

  1. On the Categories tab, click Scanning Categories.
  2. Click Edit Indexes.
  3. Select the OCR_Demo Category, and the User Name Index.
  4. Select an Index Type of Branch. This indicates that a branch file provides this index value.